Thread: Cooking a swan
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same way i cook carp,
nail it to a pine board, cook for 5 hrs at 500 deg.
remove from oven, toss the swan & eat the pine board.

"Gualtier Malde (Chuck)" > wrote in message
> Thank you all. The replies are too many to reply to each one, but it's
> been a kick reading the replies.
> This is an old swan, I'm sure. Shot in the wild. I saved the best for
> last: It wasn't field-dressed. Just thrown in the freezer after some
> amount of time getting *to* the freezer. I've told the custodians to
> defrost it and, when defrosted enough to do it, gut the bugger.
> So it is possible that the legs are going to be the only thing that can
> be saved. That's enough. I'm going to take the majority advice and
> braise it for a very long time. Probably use sherry or sack in
> quantities and the usual herbs and aromatic spices.
> Larding and barding and cooking it slowly on a spit would be attractive
> if I could be sure of the state of the innards. But I only have access
> to a full-size Farberware rotisserie. I think it's so hefty that I
> wouldn't be able to get it high enough over the heat.
> There are going to be other varieties of furry and feathered things.
> People won't have to subsist on this, which is a relief.
> Again, thanks. Oh, and some of you - please get back on the meds! You
> know who you are. <snort>
> Chuck
> --
> The spam has finally gotten to me so I've corrupted the address above.
> Try 'yahoo'.