My Forage Into Wine on Thanksgiving Day
On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 14:19:48 -0500, Sheldon Martin >
>On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 > wrote:
>>Yesterday we all met at my niece's brand spanking new house for Thanksgiving. PLENTY to eat with her brother's four versions of
>>turkey. One was regular smoked turkey along with jalapeno, Cajun,
>>and ghost pepper turkey which were all good and I brought home
>>some of each. Everybody took plates home as there was that much
>>to share.
>>Anyway, a bottle of Sutter Home Zinfindel was opened and it was
>>good, but I had a small glass of another white wine that was much
>>better. Unfortunately, I did not take note of the brand. Later on a
>>bottle of 'raspberry mist' was opened and I didn't care for it as it was
>>too tart for me.
>When too tart place a small piece of rock candy in your mouth.
Good idea. I always have some with me, just in case.