My Forage Into Wine on Thanksgiving Day
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My Forage Into Wine on Thanksgiving Day
On 11/27/2020 2:08 PM,
> Yesterday we all met at my niece's brand spanking new house for Thanksgiving. PLENTY to eat with her brother's four versions of
> turkey. One was regular smoked turkey along with jalapeno, Cajun,
> and ghost pepper turkey which were all good and I brought home
> some of each. Everybody took plates home as there was that much
> to share.
> Anyway, a bottle of Sutter Home Zinfindel was opened and it was
> good, but I had a small glass of another white wine that was much
> better. Unfortunately, I did not take note of the brand. Later on a
> bottle of 'raspberry mist' was opened and I didn't care for it as it was
> too tart for me.
I'm sure you could call and ask your niece or other family members who
were there about brand of the other white wine. I've never cared for
white zin; too sweet. The only thing I can think of called "mist"
anything is a brand called Arbor Mist. It comes in different flavours
and (to me) tastes more like a wine spritzer than actual wine.
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