"Bruce" wrote in message ...
On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 10:56:23 -0000, "Ophelia" >
>"Bruce" wrote in message
.. .
>On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 10:41:46 -0000, "Ophelia" >
>>"Bruce" wrote in message
. ..
>>On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 22:41:09 -0800, Leo >
>>>On 2020 Nov 27, , cshenk wrote
>>>(in >):
>>>> Exactly. But if i were feeding 6, I might go a Turkey of the 12lb or
>>>> so size. It just makes no sense to do that with 2 people.
>>>There are three of us. A 12 pound Butterball turkey was perfect. I have a
>>>half-breast, thigh and drumstick for turkey sandwiches...and a boatload
>>>extra cornbread dressing, brussel sprouts, cranberry sauce and gravy. We
>>>run out of turkey first.
>>>What does anyone think of a grilled dressing and cheese sandwich?
>>>thinking about it.
>>Dressing is what one pours over a salad. Grilling that is quaint.
>> Is it?
>Would you grill a salad dressing?
> Of course not, but I am a foreigner innit <g>
When it comes to the English language, you represent the original
But that is probably boring to the modern crowd <g>