PBS: Dishing with Julia Child
On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 12:59:42 -0700, Graham > wrote:
>On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 14:46:19 -0500, Boron Elgar wrote:
>> But we had lots of side dish leftovers, so I grabbed a small turkey
>> from the market (easy to find on Friday...) to make here (my kid
>> insists on brining and I prefer a dry rub, so I did not bring back
>> turkey leftovers) today. You've heard of Little Christmas? Here's an
>> epiphany....we're having Little Thanksgiving today.
>Have you tried bread sauce yet? That's a UK tradition to go with the turkey
>and is delicious.
I just looked up Delia's recipe and that looks might fine, I must say.
Today's turkey, however, has stuffing inside- a savory bread pudding
type with brioche, onions and eggs. Gotta try that bread sauce,
>PBS from Spokane, our normal source, isn't running the Julia programs and
>later on will start one of their interminable money drives, which is also
>filling up the Detroit PBS. Why the Calgary cable network offers Detroit
>PBS is beyond me.
We get 3 PBS stations here, NYC, NJ and Long Island. Of course, I grew
up with that one from Detroit.....have not seen it in years and years.
I think there is at least one of the 3 of ours that is always running
pledge drive, though. We make jokes about it...they will have a
documentary about Italy and Italian immigrants, then another one for
the Irish, one for Jews, one for Blacks, one for LBGTQ, and another
for Latinx, etc. We joke that they do not want to miss out on money
from any ethnic/special group in the area.