PBS: Dishing with Julia Child
Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 12:59:42 -0700, Graham > wrote:
>> On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 14:46:19 -0500, Boron Elgar wrote:
>>> But we had lots of side dish leftovers, so I grabbed a small turkey
>>> from the market (easy to find on Friday...) to make here (my kid
>>> insists on brining and I prefer a dry rub, so I did not bring back
>>> turkey leftovers) today. You've heard of Little Christmas? Here's an
>>> epiphany....we're having Little Thanksgiving today.
>> Have you tried bread sauce yet? That's a UK tradition to go with the turkey
>> and is delicious.
> I just looked up Delia's recipe and that looks might fine, I must say.
> Today's turkey, however, has stuffing inside- a savory bread pudding
> type with brioche, onions and eggs. Gotta try that bread sauce,
> though.
>> PBS from Spokane, our normal source, isn't running the Julia programs and
>> later on will start one of their interminable money drives, which is also
>> filling up the Detroit PBS. Why the Calgary cable network offers Detroit
>> PBS is beyond me.
> We get 3 PBS stations here, NYC, NJ and Long Island. Of course, I grew
> up with that one from Detroit.....have not seen it in years and years.
> I think there is at least one of the 3 of ours that is always running
> pledge drive, though. We make jokes about it...they will have a
> documentary about Italy and Italian immigrants, then another one for
> the Irish, one for Jews, one for Blacks, one for LBGTQ, and another
> for Latinx, etc. We joke that they do not want to miss out on money
> from any ethnic/special group in the area.
You forgot the native americans!