PBS: Dishing with Julia Child
On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 07:03:23 +1100, Bruce > wrote:
>On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 12:59:42 -0700, Graham > wrote:
>>On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 14:46:19 -0500, Boron Elgar wrote:
>>> On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 11:35:44 -0700, Graham > wrote:
>>>>On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 12:17:36 -0500, Boron Elgar wrote:
>>>>> Julia, herself, took that same laid back and accepting attitude during
>>>>> her series with famous chefs/cooks/bakers.
>>>>I heard her being interviewd on CBC radio. Regarding food "snobbery" she
>>>>said that there was nothing wrong with a good hamburger. Then, when she was
>>>>asked what she would like for her last meal, she replied: "I think I'd
>>>>start with a half-dozen oysters and then some foie gras."
>>> Sounds like a great last meal to me. I will only eat raw oysters at a
>>> restaurant that I know does high traffic with them, and only had fois
>>> gras at restaurants a few times, but found it quite yummy. Since we
>>> have not dined inside a restaurant since February, I do miss seriously
>>> the oysters. I could skip the foie gras, though I like it, but I do
>>> not miss it like I do the oysters.
>>> According to the commentary during the Julia marathon PBS is running
>>> this weekend, her last meal was French onion soup.
>>> I have been standing in the kitchen all morning cooking and the
>>> marathon is on the TV in there. We had a small US Thanksgiving with
>>> immediate family and only 6 of us. I made pies for al over the
>>> place....chocolate 2-layer with pudding on the bottom and mousse on
>>> the top, and 3 lemon meringue pies, one to take where we ate (kids'
>>> dad/stepmother -we're all bubbled), one to send home with one kid
>>> whose spouse could not attend, and one to stay here.
>>> But we had lots of side dish leftovers, so I grabbed a small turkey
>>> from the market (easy to find on Friday...) to make here (my kid
>>> insists on brining and I prefer a dry rub, so I did not bring back
>>> turkey leftovers) today. You've heard of Little Christmas? Here's an
>>> epiphany....we're having Little Thanksgiving today.
>>Have you tried bread sauce yet? That's a UK tradition to go with the turkey
>>and is delicious.
>>PBS from Spokane, our normal source, isn't running the Julia programs and
>>later on will start one of their interminable money drives, which is also
>>filling up the Detroit PBS. Why the Calgary cable network offers Detroit
>>PBS is beyond me.
>The UK has a tradition with somebody else's bird?
Perhaps they put wooden clogs on it like the Dutch??