I had a wonderful Vegetarian STD Meal!!
On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 03:55:28 -0600, Sqwertz >
>On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 17:33:24 -0800 (PST), John Kuthe wrote:
>> Green Beans with butter and Spinach Mushroom Stuffs over brown
>> rice, my "Baked" beans that never saw an oven and Garlic
>> Potatoes!
>If I had to be a vegetarian AD eat the same shit day after day, I'd
>rather just have a feeding tube right into my stomach. Just stick a
>funnel into there and pour the contents of the blender right into my
Understandable, you'd miss Reuben too much. But you could still have
horse radish. There's no horse in it!