On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 15:51:31 -0700, Graham > wrote:
>On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 14:05:18 -0800 (PST), wrote:
>> On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 1:59:49 PM UTC-6, Graham wrote:
>>> PBS from Spokane, our normal source, isn't running the Julia programs and
>>> later on will start one of their interminable money drives, which is also
>>> filling up the Detroit PBS.
>> My local PBS and the one 100 miles east of me is also doing their begging
>> marathon for at least the next two weeks. I'm going to guess with so many
>> out of work due to the virus, their receipts will be lean this go-round.
>I made my major donations 2 weeks ago and since then, I am getting more
>requests from the SAME charities.
Been a bad year for me with charities. I really HATE getting mail
with calendars, address labels and junk from them, I mark them 'Return
to Sender' and write on the back "Please don't waste our donations
this way'.
People have suggested the younger crowd don't give unless they receive
something, I just feel it is missing the point entirely. So I stick
with War Amps, completely online, they never waste trees and money on
postage, just once a year when they send my key tags. I also do Sally
Army for same reason, I do not receive snail mail from them, online
only. I like them because the money I give stays local which is good.
We have another local that is doing good work in place of where the
old Food Bank used to be, called Souls Harbour.