On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 11:51:06 -0800 (PST), Transition Zone
> wrote:
>On Friday, July 9, 1993 at 10:00:58 AM UTC-4, wrote:
>> >>>|> I still sort M&Ms by color before I eat them.
>> >
>> >>> Oh my goodness, I thought I was the only one that did this :-)
>> >>>Do you have a specific order you eat them in? I eat the yellow, orange and greens
>> >>>then I hit the light brown and the dark brown and save the reds for last. A bit
>> >
>> >>I do this too!!!! Only my order is: dark brown, light brown, red, orange, yellow
>> >>and then green. My two sons have this habit too, only they don't have any particular
>> >>order.
>> >
>> > Oh dear. i guess i'm 1) not really alone and 2) slightly more anal then i
>> > thought i was. I sort them by color and then eat them based on number in
>> > the pack, eating the color with the smallest number first and then going from
>> > there.....
>> >
>> > Becki
>> >
>> >
>> ====
>> Who knew that eating M&M's could be so complicated. My system is to sort
>> them according to color and start with the largest group, eat down to the
>> last one, then switch to the second largest group... at the end I have one
>> of each color left. Then I close my eyes and see if I can identify the
>> color by taste.
>> skip
>Jill will probably be irritated by me commenting on 1993 material, but I also still go first for the purple, then the red, with all types of popsicles, candies, etc..
Well, that explains everything about you. Everyone knows you go for
the red popsicles first and Then the purple. Sheesh!

Janet US