On Mon, 30 Nov 2020 15:34:44 -0800 (PST), Bryan Simmons wrote:
> On Monday, November 30, 2020 at 4:42:52 AM UTC-6, Sqwertz wrote:
>> On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 03:30:24 -0800 (PST), Bryan Simmons wrote:
>>> What is amazing is how little the cost of this concoction has increased in the
>>> twenty-seven years since this was posted. While things like house prices,
>>> college tuition have gone crazy, canned tuna and canned mushroom prices
>>> have hardly budged, and off brand boxed mac&cheese is still 50 cents or less.
>> Chunk light tuna in oil has gone up 300% and the cans have shrunk
>> almost 30%. And the quality and tuna raitio to packing material has
>> gone downnhill as well.
> I was going by this website, which had tuna at 89 cents a can. I know I don't pay
> more than about $1 a can, or I wouldn't buy it.
> https://mclib.info/reference/local-h...prices/1993-2/
Maybe for albacore solid white tuna it was $.89, but chunk light
tuna was $.30/can or 3 for $1 when I started buying groceries in
> I see jarred mushrooms at Dollar Tree for $1, which is not much more than the
> 79 cents they were in the late 1980s, when I used to eat such things. I make
> that boxed mac & cheese stuff for my teenage son, and I've gotten it as cheap
> as 19 cents, and never paid more than 79 cents, or again, I wouldn't have bought
> it.
And I hardly ever bought canned/bottles mushrooms. I bought a few
cans a year ago for emergency stash and they were horrible.
> You are correct that the standard size can has gone down from 6.5 oz to 5 oz,
> but it's still only 72 cents a can.
> https://www.walmart.com/grocery/ip/G...-5-oz/19718006
Original can size was 7oz. Which is what CostCo "put their foot
down" and reverted back to a few years ago.