Cooking a swan
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Karen O'Mara
Posts: n/a
(D. A.'Dutch' Martinich) wrote in message . com>...
> I have never cooked a wild swan but I once attended a dinner where the
> guest of honor was a mature whistling swan. It tasted just like wild
> goose but it was incredibly tough. I think I would be inclined to to
> give the full buried-in-the-ground-and-cooked-for-hours pit bbq
> treatment.
My exhusband has had swan many times. I think the swan hunting season
is about one day long in Northern California. He said that it's very
good ("good eating," he said) and I don't recall him mentioning that
it was tough. I seem to remember that he said it was tender. I'd ask
him how it was cooked but I don't talk to him much anymore.
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