Foods we're ashamed to admit liking
On 2020-11-30 7:57 p.m., Bryan Simmons wrote:
> Dave, do you monitor your BP several times a day? Persons who have
> high BP vary widely as to the effect that dietary sodium has on their BP.
> It's not one-size-fits-all.
Yes. I have a monitor at home and check my BP and pulse several times a
day. I took BP medication years ago but lost some weight and got lots of
exercise and BP dropped. I had been checking it regularly over the past
few years and it was always in an acceptable range. After my recent
incident they put me back on medication for BP along with some to
control my heart rate. Over the past few month or so my both have been
very low, like 95/58 and pulse in the 50s. I had a telephone
appointment with the cardiologist the other day and she halved the doses
for those medications.