OT Immersion Gardening! I took down the Garden Beds out front!
John Kuthe wrote:
> On Monday, November 30, 2020 at 6:14:11 PM UTC-6, Alex wrote:
>> dsi1 wrote:
>>> On Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 10:07:26 AM UTC-10, wrote:
>>>> On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 10:35:25 PM UTC-6, wrote:
>>>>> On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:49:20 PM UTC-6, wrote:
>>>>>> I'll make a deal with you. You take your FULL dose of prescribed
>>>>>> Seroquel, no half doses or self-medication with the cannabis garbage,
>>>>>> and I'll dump the webtv posting address for this group. But you have
>>>>>> to take your full dosage from now on.
>>>>> I told my psychiatrist that I was biting my 50mg Seroquels in half because I hated Seroquel so much so she downed my prescription to 25mg HS. But I still have a few 50mg's which I'm still biting in half
>>>>> my remaining 50mg tabs before I get a refill of the 25mg's. So my FULL dosage IS 25mg now.
>>>> You sidestepped my offer with yet another "me, me, me" post.
>>>>>> There's no 'curing' bipolar disease, all you can hope to do is to manage
>>>>>> it and be tolerable around people. Who knows? Your family *might*
>>>>>> want to associate with you if you get it under control and keep it
>>>>>> under control.
>>>>> I have my Bipolarness under control and I'm keeping it that way, thank you very much!
>>>>> John Kuthe...
>>>> A narcissistic thinking he's got his disease under control. Dream on.
>>> John sounds fine for a bipolar guy to me. I have to wonder about some of the people on this newsgroup though. There's something that's not right with them - they act like 13 year olds. That's not a good thing.
>> John likes 13 year olds. That's not a good thing either.
> **** off Alex! You are EVIL! :-(
> John Kuthe...
*I* don't like teenage girls the way you do, fella.