On 2020-12-02, jmcquown > wrote:
> This is the one I got from the mother of a neighborhood boy I went to
> school with when I was 15.
> Peanut Brittle
> 1 c. sugar
> 1/4 tsp. salt
> 1/2 c. light corn syrup
> 1/4 c. water
> 1 c. raw Spanish peanuts (thin papery red skins)
> 2 Tbs. butter
> 1 tsp. baking soda
> In a heavy saucepan on medium heat, bring sugar, syrup, salt and water
> to a boil. Stir until sugar dissolves. Stir in peanuts; set candy
> thermometer in place. Stirring frequently, cook until temp reaches
> 300F. Remove from heat. Immediately stir in butter and baking soda.
> Pour at once onto a lightly buttered cookie sheet and quickly spread
> mixture (use a couple of forks) into a rectangle. Let cool completely.
> Snap into pieces. Store tightly covered. Yield: 1 lb.
The baking soda is the ingredient that determins "break-a-bility".
This is how it works. The less baking soda, the more glass-like, the
harder to break/eat. The more baking soda, the easier to break-up
and eat.
I use 3 tsp (1 tblsp) but double the main recipe (cp'tin
salt). (1-1/2 tsp baking soda = per "1 C sugar"