On 12/2/2020 10:54 AM, Sheldon Martin wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Dec 2020 Sqwertz wrote:
>> On Tue, 1 Dec 2020 John Kuthe wrote:
>>> And today, I went Home Depot and bought a 4x4ft piece of almost
>>> 1/2" plywood and will cut 18"x30.5" shelves from and use my
>>> remaining 2x2s to mount a stiffener under them, then lay them on
>>> the rails, and voila! New shelves at 20" and 40", 18"x30.5" to
>>> put the stuff on!
>> $50 says they're wobbly.
>> -sw
> What is 'almost' 1/2" plywood, do you mean some specialty thickness
> like 7/16"?
https://parr.com/PDFs/PG_plywoodthickness.pdf 12" nominal is 15/32"
Much of the plywood now is metric too so it could be 12.5 mm.