Weirdness with Walmart delivery
Sheldon Martin wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Dec 2020 17:30:39 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> "Sheldon Martin" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Tue, 1 Dec 2020 "Julie Bove" wrote:
>>>> I am waiting for a Safeway delivery but they canceled some items. So I
>>>> looked into getting a delivery from Walmart. Not sure if they have what I
>>>> want in stock but they can deliver today.
>>>> This time, I ordered from my phone. This time they had wax beans! Can't
>>>> remember the brand but a name brand and $1.48 per can. Their brand of
>>>> canned
>>>> lentils was also listed. They were not listed when I looked on the
>>>> computer.
>>>> So... Were these items just totally out of stock so not listed when I
>>>> tried
>>>> to order before? Dunno.
>>>> Another weird thing. I've always been able to order up to 6 of each item
>>>> on
>>>> the computer but the phone limited me to 4. Hmmm... Unless maybe the
>>>> computer will only give me 4 now.
>>>> I ordered two different varieties of the bread. I figure I should at least
>>>> get one loaf. *fingers crossed* And yes, I can make my own bread. Just
>>>> don't
>>>> feel like it. Need surgery soon on my eye. Will find out more about that
>>>> on
>>>> Fri.
>>> I drove into town this morning and did my grocery shopping at Tops
>>> Market, got everything I needed and a few items more with no fuss
>>> whatsoever... they had Ronzoni pasta at 10 for $1, got a few kinds.
>>> Why can't you drive to the closest local market to shop??? I order
>>> items on line but only when I want bulk and items by the case... I
>>> can't be bothered to order picyune items for delivery, just causes
>>> grief... you deserve the grief. I do much better picking out my own
>>> produce and meats... but if I want a case of #10 cans of tomatoes that
>>> I'll order on line, comes right to my door, same with bulk cat/bird
>>> food. I don't even want delivery for one schtinkin head of lettuce.
>>> I'll bet our monthly Chewy bill (~$400) is more than your monthly
>>> grocery bill, Julie you are not well, I mean mentally.
>>> We've never considered ordering a loaf of bread on line to be
>>> delivered... perhaps from a local corner bakery.
>> Because we're on lockdown and not supposed to leave our house. I am in the
>> high risk group and due to my impending surgery, I have to be extra careful
>> not to get sick. So I am avoiding people. I did go to the dentist where
>> Angela works and also to get my hair trimmed as the general consensus is
>> that Governor Inslee will put us on further lockdown soon and close those
>> places. I don't want to have to go months without another haircut.
>> You are right in that I'm not well, but it's all medical. Not mental.
>> I tried Chewy once. Too expensive. Wasn't worth it. I get the Target brand
>> cat litter. I get treats and foods at Walmart. Jazzy only eats dry food.
> Chewy's prices are substantially lower than anywhere else, they carry
> every major brand with a huge selection of dried, they carry food for
> all critters; fish, chickens, horses, gerbils etc., and deliver for
> free. Besides foods they carry many critter associated products from
> fish tanks, bird cages, feeding bowls, and lots of pet toys. They
> carry many brands of cat litter and at lower prices than anywhere
> else.
>> Things should settle down with the online orders once people stop the
>> hoarding.
> I've not seen any signs of hoarding... for items we buy in quantity we
> shop at BJs, they sell cleaning products by the gallon/case... they
> sell TP in bulk, all you want. We buy Dawn dish washing liquid in
> gallon jugs. We buy in bulk for the cash savings, always costs a lot
> less. It's no biggie to refill the small Dawn bottle from the gallon
> jug. I still see people buying single rolls of TP... they'd almost do
> better wiping with dollar bills.
> With all the hand washing recommended I wash my hands with Dawn, does
> a very good job and no irritation, I figured if it's good for washing
> crude oil from birds I'd try it, works very well, I even use Dawn for
> shampoo, costs less than the name brand shampoos and need to use less
> than half as much. Actually I now put a few drops of Dawn on my
> washcloth and bathe with Dawn, does a great job, lots of lather, and
> is very mild... also rinses off much better... at the same time cleans
> your tub and no soap film.
Popeye, yoose should try using oven cleaner for yoose toothpaste.