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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Cheesebuger Casserole for dinner

On 2020-12-02 7:14 p.m., Julie Bove wrote:

>> Actually the fattest people are from the warmest climates like ukelele
>> land.Â* Most Americans maintain a proper weight, just don't lump in
>> recent arrivals... those from impoverished countries can't stop
>> eating.Â* Bruthe is an ultra dumb schmuck.

> What? I just heard on the radio that 40% of Americans are obese. I think
> whether you see them or not, depends on where you live.
> I don't recall seeing too many in NY. Perhaps because people walk a lot
> there. But in CA? Yow! At least in Alameda.My ex hated going to Sizzler,
> or as he called it, Porker's Palace. Why? We were surrounded by grossly
> obese people in there. Severely grossly obese! He found the sight to be
> off-putting.

Sheldon is partly right. Obesity rates tend to be based on the
percentage of people who fit the definition of obesity. The ten nations
in the world with the highest obesity rates are in the south Pacific.
Right behind them is Kuwait, and then the USA is number 12. Canada is 26
and Australia is right behind us just a slight percentage less.

When it comes to the heaviest people Wikipedia's list of the world's
heaviest people has 30 people on it, 1 in Egypt, 1 in Australia, 1 in
Saudi Arabia, 4 from Mexico and the rest are all in the US.

We have lots of obese people here in southern Ontario, but when I cross
the border in western NY state I see a lot a drastic difference in the
number of obese people, but I also see people who are way, way fatter
than any I see here. Curiously, they are often much dressed. Apparently
there are so many really fat people that there is a market for the much
larger sizes.

> I am not sure what those people ate. But I do know that I didn't see
> them much at the salad bar.
> Angela and I would go there for dinner once in a while. She was young
> enough to get the salad bar for free. I always ordered the special which
> was usually some kin do of chicken, vegetable and starch. I asked to
> have it boxed to go. I saved this for my ex to eat later when he got
> home from work. He did like the food. Just didn't like going in there.
> The meal came with salad bar so I had that.
> The salad bar also had some pizza and pasta, both of which sat on the
> steam table, so not good. Angela and I ate the vegetables, cheese and
> maybe some fruit. They had little whole apples that she liked. We never
> ate dressing or prepared salads like potato or pasta. If there was soup
> or rolls available, I don't recall. I know we never ate them.
> Here, you do see some really large people, but most are not. But keep in
> mind, depending on your height, an additional 10 pounds could make you
> in the overweight category.