Cheesebuger Casserole for dinner
On Wed, 2 Dec 2020 20:05:01 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>On 2020-12-02 7:14 p.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>>> Actually the fattest people are from the warmest climates like ukelele
>>> land.Â* Most Americans maintain a proper weight, just don't lump in
>>> recent arrivals... those from impoverished countries can't stop
>>> eating.Â* Bruthe is an ultra dumb schmuck.
>> What? I just heard on the radio that 40% of Americans are obese. I think
>> whether you see them or not, depends on where you live.
>> I don't recall seeing too many in NY. Perhaps because people walk a lot
>> there. But in CA? Yow! At least in Alameda.My ex hated going to Sizzler,
>> or as he called it, Porker's Palace. Why? We were surrounded by grossly
>> obese people in there. Severely grossly obese! He found the sight to be
>> off-putting.
>Sheldon is partly right. Obesity rates tend to be based on the
>percentage of people who fit the definition of obesity.
Hold that thought! This is a breakthrough idea!