Weirdness with Walmart delivery
On 12/2/2020 7:33 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> Our Governor has also said (although not in an official press
> conference) that he might shut the grocery stores down and at one point
> some time ago, instructed us to stock up on two month's worth of
> provisions. Then he wonders why people are hoarding,
Paranoid much? That's not going to happen.
Food and medicine are necessities.
Besides, vaccines are approved and on the way soon.
Speaking of hoarding. I went to the grocery store yesterday. As I
entered the store, one woman was leaving the checkout with a basket full
of toilet paper and paper towels. I guess they don't have limits anymore
like a couple of weeks ago.
Anyway, while I was shopping, here was that same woman back in the store
with a new grocery cart buying regular food.