Thread: Pizza Hut Fail
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Graham Graham is offline
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Default Pizza Hut Fail

On Fri, 04 Dec 2020 04:45:23 +1100, Bruce wrote:

> On Thu, 3 Dec 2020 10:43:29 -0700, Graham > wrote:
>>On Thu, 3 Dec 2020 11:41:30 -0500, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2020-12-03 10:50 a.m., Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> Sales tax is more regressive than income tax. Suppose it takes $10,000
>>>> in taxable purchases to keep body and soul together. Someone who makes
>>>> $20,000 pays tax on 50% of their income, but someone who makes $100,000
>>>> pays tax on 10% of their income.
>>> ????? If there is a basic $10,000 exemption the $20,000 earners pay tax
>>> on 50% on their income. People with $100,000 earnings who get the same
>>> $10,000 exemption pay tax on 90% of their income, not 10%.
>>> A lot of the basics in life are tax exempt in most places, like
>>> groceries. Sales tax is almost an attempt to put a higher tax burden on
>>> those with more money. They may pay the same percentage rate for sales
>>> tax, but they are buying more, so spending more.

>>Perhaps on luxury items but the poor use the same toilet paper as the rich
>>and the latter don't shit more!

> Poor people keep running to the toilet because of all the fast food.

Why do you think it's called fast?