"Dave Bugg" <deebuggatcharterdotnet> wrote in
> Scarlet Pimpernel wrote:
>> ... and I hope you're a lot nicer in real life than you are around
>> here, or I fear for your future in the hospitality industry.
>> ..snip..
> I never could tolerate exceedingly whiny and stupid people.
>> ..snip..
> And you should take your own advice. You certainly didn't have to post
> to this thread with a lengthy, whiny and insulting message. The fact
> that you tried to equate personal and professional was a smear tactic
> that you tried to couch in "concern". Go **** on yerself.
>> Gus, to you I say "welcome". Remember, "in every bunch of roses you
>> get a few pricks". Unsnag yourself from the thorns, and focus on the
>> flowers.
> A nothing welcoming another nothing; how quaint.
Thanks for illustrating my point. I rest my case.