"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 12/4/2020 8:31 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Gary" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 12/3/2020 2:29 PM, Sheldon Martin wrote:
>>>> "Julie Bove" wrote:
>>>>> "Gary" wrote:
>>>>>> Arrghh Steve. I accidently bought that lavendar scented TP twice and
>>>>>> it's
>>>>>> so very nasty. I've learned to look closely at the wrappers.
>>>>> I didn't know they made such a thing!
>>>> They don't, not that I've ever encountered.
>>> Angel Soft makes plain and also lavendar scented TP.
>>> They don't scent the paper, just the cardboard tube in the center. It's
>>> pretty strong and highly annoying.
>> Some papers did that long ago. Maybe that's what I bought. It was
>> something with a scented roll. My then roommate claimed it gave her an
>> infection.
> Rhetorical question: what was that roommate doing putting paper in her
> ears?
She didn't want to hear her BF praising my cooking. She was Italian and a
lousy cook. She started every meal by frying dried spices in oil. She
couldn't read so she went by smell. Another thing she did was try to cobble
all the leftovers into a meal and in her eyes, nothing should ever be thrown
out. Mold? Scrape if off. Funny taste? Drown it in Worcestershire sauce. Her
BF told me she once did that to leftover cooked carrots.
Whenever she invited him to dinner, he'd call me to see if I was cooking. He
would only eat my cooking. I only ever tried something of hers once.
Spaghetti. I watched her cook it so I knew there was nothing old in there.
It was a combination of far too many spices, fried in Wesson oil, with the
addition of a can of tomato sauce. I can't remember now if the pasta was
cooked to the correct doneness or not. The finished dish had such an awful
taste to it, we had to spit it out. Another woman was dining with us as
well, All three of us spit it out at the same time.
I would have made another batch but she didn't have any more ingredients
except for the oil and spices.She was not my roommate at the time of this
incident. So it wasn't my kitchen.