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  #110 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> That's my tuppence, now back to my woodchopping, weatherstripping, and
> other items needed to be done with a 200 yr old house to get it ready
> for winter. Hopefully I will be able to start posting on a more regular
> basis, soon as I get that and my CCNA class completed.
> Oh, and Gus, welcome.
> Jon
> Go Falcons! 4-0

================================================== ====
Thanks Jon and all who put out the welcome mat...

I am really amazed (while earlier I was somewhat amused) at the depth of
feeling (or unfeeling) exhibited by SOME folks around this newsgroup. A
psychology student could make quite a study here, no doubt about that.

Anyway, I have never seen a thread turn from "giving" to "punishing" so
quickly and so completely as this one. For a moment or two, Gus did not
really know how to react to the meanness of some folks, their foul thoughts
and uncivil language. But now I do know how to react. It is for Gus now to
stop trying to pull their chains and egg them on to more and more meanness.
Obviously they don't need Gus to do that, for they have sufficient meanness
of thought and language without any outside help needed. But this has been
most interesting.

I truly do wish all here well, and I hope that the blood pressures and
stomach ulcers of several of the "regulars" might improve and give them
some rest and peace. Good Lord, they seem to need some of those.

In the meantime, let's get back to Q stuff. I will be pretty busy during
the next several weeks working on "Redneck's Kitchen." We hope to roll it
out sometime in late November or so. Got the recipes well tested and the
Qing methods pretty well doped out. Still need to experiment some with
breads and biscuits, but it will all come along soon enough.

Best to you all,
Gus Kilthau
Houston, Texas