Alert! Terrorists bake explosive cakes ! ! !
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Roy Basan
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(The Old Bear) wrote in message >...
> Roy, do not confuse attempted humor with nuclear physics.
I would say you are the one injecting humor by implying that Saddam
Hussien was so fascinated with yellow layer cake.
>I think Brian has been confused by all the recent discussion about
> Hussein ordering yellow cake as take-out from some bakery in Niger, Africa:
> It remains puzzling why Saddam Hussein would want to get yellow cake all the
> way from Niger in Africa when he could have had one of his own palace pastry
> chefs whip up an excellent yellow cake using a recipe like this:
If that was been the former Dictators fancy he could have told his
palace pastry chef to bake him a yellow layer cake( just what you
But unfortunately the flour quality in that area is inappropriate for
such product.So his alternative :
.. Or if he had a particular liking for the American boxed mixes he
can always send somebody to Kuwait to procure for him a lorry of
yellow layer cake mixes from Betty Crocker, Pillsbury , Duncan Hines
brands which are sold in many grocery shops there.
You do not go to Niger to buy such food product. What does those
Africans( in Niger) have to do or know about yellow layer cakes?
You do not arouse world attention, just for an ordinary piece of
The real reason for that Saddam wants a special type of material which
has common name of yellow cake which is more of a refined pitchblende(
or uranium ore); was his keen interest for nuclear weapons
development program. And having a source of uranium ore is his
utmost concern as he is aware that he cannot get it from the mines of
Canada,Austtalia, America and even Russia.. Beside it's cheaper and
had lesser risk if he got it from an impoverised African nation.
You are further injecting humor here…..
> Possibly, as Brian Raab suggests, the African variety is more useful for
> blowing things up. But, if that's the purpose, couldn't the same results
> be obtained by just increasing the amount of baking powder in the recipe?
It is utterly impossible even with exponential increase in baking
powder will make an explosive device from a piece of cake.There is a
limit that a certain cake recipe can contain such leavening agent.If
you put too much it will not come out as desirable product and will
become inedible as well.
If you really find this issue funny well have a good laugh at it!
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