California Culinary Academy vs. City College of San Francisco?
On 2 Dec 2003 06:32:35 GMT, Forte Agent
<> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am considering a culinary arts program in the San Francisco area and
> was wondering if anybody had an opinion on which might be a better
> choice: California Culinary Academy or the culinary program at City
> College of San Francisco?
Let's begin with $13 per unit (CCSF) vs. a $40,000 program
Not that I'm against the Culinary Academy, of course... the
president is an old friend from my college daze.
> I guess my main issues are which one is more highly regarded and would
> lead to a better/higher paying job upon graduation.
Both are highly regarded. Your ability has more to do with
getting and keeping a job. I'm sure they appeal to
different markets, so you need to research which graduates
go where and if you're willing to do the types of jobs
typically offered to their graduates.
> Thanks for any help you may offer!!
Believe it or not, there are prestegious places that would
be willing to take on real apprentices (who are dedicated to
learning how to cook) because they don't want to retrain
people who have been through courses like the CCA.
If you are dedicated to cooking, find a master chef to
apprentice under.