On Wed, 09 Dec 2020 22:57:54 -0800, Leo >
>On 2020 Dec 9, , Bruce wrote
>(in >):
>> More self-righteous and condescending than your right-wing shock jock
>> drivel? Not gonna be easy, Leo!
>I just love playground comebacks! "I´m rubber, you´re glue. Everything
>you say bounces off me and sticks to you"! Lotta deep thought there.
>From another thread where I didn´t respond, explain communism. A State
>Department official explained it once in a seminar I attended as a fantastic
>idea that works poorly with people, but ants are great at it.
I agree, it never works. But your Democrats aren't communists. Your
"left wing" media aren't communist. European countries aren't
communist. Communism means, for instance, that there's no private
ownership of any means of production. Do you see anybody advocate that