Thread: Bizarro
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Leo[_4_] Leo[_4_] is offline
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Default Bizarro

On 2020 Dec 9, , Bruce wrote
(in >):

> I agree, it never works. But your Democrats aren't communists. Your
> "left wing" media aren't communist. European countries aren't
> communist. Communism means, for instance, that there's no private
> ownership of any means of production. Do you see anybody advocate that
> anywhere?

Nobody advocates it openly. It has already been done behind the scenes. The
better part of the means of production has already been driven overseas by
government regulation. Now the police are under attack. Remember,
"undermine and destroy existing institutions"?
Itīs "deja vu all over again" in only one hundred years. And this time,
itīs us. Festering rats in the other party are looking for revenge against
Trump voters, and instead of being thrown in prison for sedition, are given a
voice in the media. WTF!