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Dave Bugg
Posts: n/a

Gus wrote:

> It is for Gus now to stop trying to pull their chains and egg them on
> to more and more meanness. Obviously they don't need Gus to do that,
> for they have sufficient meanness of thought and language without any
> outside help needed. But this has been most interesting.

Fair enough. I would suggest, however, that you quit characterizing
individual reaction to your entrance to this ng, which rubbed a number of
folks the wrong way, as anything other than a reaction to you. Quit trying
to analyze other folks.
> I truly do wish all here well, and I hope that the blood pressures and
> stomach ulcers of several of the "regulars" might improve and give
> them some rest and peace. Good Lord, they seem to need some of those.

This is what I'm refering to. How do you know that the words I wrote were
raising my blood pressure? Or that I was even angry? In real life, if
someone rubs you the wrong way, one can call someone an 'idiot' ( just an
example, not directed at anyone) in a calm voice and demeanor. So, again, I
would suggest that you give up on characterizing or categorizing any
individual here. If you truly want to bury the hatchet, then bury it without

> In the meantime, let's get back to Q stuff. I will be pretty busy
> during the next several weeks working on "Redneck's Kitchen." We
> hope to roll it out sometime in late November or so. Got the recipes
> well tested and the Qing methods pretty well doped out. Still need
> to experiment some with breads and biscuits, but it will all come
> along soon enough.

I wish you the best of luck, Gus, and look forward to a long AFB
Dave's Pit-Smoked Bar-B-Que