On Friday, December 11, 2020 at 6:25:38 PM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Dec 2020 19:52:20 -0800 (PST), dsi1
> > wrote:
> >On Friday, December 11, 2020 at 3:24:21 PM UTC-10, cshenk wrote:
> >> Sorry but I've have Aloha Shoyu. It's a terrible weak sweet wierd
> >> thing only Hawaiians seem to like.
> >>
> >> You may not realize it because you grew up accepting it. The rest of
> >> us insist on something better.
> >You call it weird and sweet. We call it mild and light. I don't have any problem
> >if you don't care for it. My problem is with people that believe they
> >can judge a soy sauce by reading a label or by reading an article on
> >the internet.
> Yeah, who needs facts? Annoying little things, facts. Ask your
> president!
Yoose want's facts? I got facts. Aloha shoyu tastes great! I've seen it with my own taste buds.
Speaking of weird foods, my Swedish step-mom brought me some potato cakes of some kind. She told me to let her know what I think of it. I think it's ok, but the gray color is off-putting. She should coat it in panko and deep fry it. That would be just tasty!