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Default Please Recommend?

Richard's ~JA~ wrote:
> I apologize for not being able to find a previous thread in which y'all
> shared your coffee bean favorites so well. I've just purchased the
> Quisinart Grind & Brew coffee maker and I have no idea what beans to
> look for, or where to order coffee beans from. I live in the Southern
> CA High Desert and have no nearby source from which to purchase, so I
> would appreciate references. I do know that I do not care for seasoning
> or spice-flavored blends, and the only "coffee past" I have is the
> pre-ground Folgers Original Roast.
> Thank you for sharing your own what & where to order....
> ***Picky ~JA~

Google is your friend. :-)
With internet access, living in the boonies is no excuse for not
having access to good coffee beans..... ;-)

Hope this helps?

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