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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Crispy Sesame Chicken

jmcquown wrote:
> I've thawed a package of chicken "drummettes". I'm thinking of dredging
> them in an egg wash then in seasoned flour and then dredged in Panko
> crumbs with a few tablespoonfuls of sesame seeds. In this case, the
> crispness of Panko would make a difference. And the taste of the sesame
> seeds, nice.

You should coat the chicken with the flour first. Let it sit for a few
minutes, then coat with the egg wash then the panko. The panko won't
stick to flour.

The sesame seed taste is good but you won't taste it with seeds mixed
with the panko. And at 350f for 20-25 minutes, I doubt they would brown
in the oven. At least brown them in a dry pan first. They won't burn in
that oven.

> In this iteration, place the coated chicken in a glass baking pan
> brushed with a little neutral oil and bake at about 350F, 20 - 25
> minutes - until the chicken is tender and the crust is crispy and the
> sesame seed are nicely toasted.

The chicken sounds good but here's how I would make that:

- brush the chicken with a little sesame *OIL* first
(save the seeds for something else)
- coat with the seasoned flour
- wait a few minutes then dredge in egg wash
- coat with your panko (or instead, just more seasoned flour)

> I've never made this before, just came up with the idea because I love
> sesame seeds. Also because I am a good cook.

I like the sesame taste too and I'm also a good cook. Your combination
of flavors sound good but your method sounds wrong.

> Might take pictures of
> this sesame chicken. Or not.

You probably already made this last night.
No doubt picture will look good but how about the taste?