Saturday Dinner 12/19/20
On 12/20/2020 10:23 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2020-12-19 11:49 p.m., Graham wrote:
>>>> You mention asparagus frequently.Â* I cannot find anything but skinny
>>>> pencil thin asparagus and it's very disappointing.
>>> And I bet few RFC'ers have had fresh white asparagus.
>> I have, topped with slices of foie gras, in Strasbourg 4 years ago.
> I have had it too. I took a few trips to Europe in early May and a lot
> of restaurants had asparagus specials, usually white. I did not notice
> much difference in the taste. There was no more difference in the taste
> between white and black than I notice in asparagus from different
> sources and at different times.
> I was amazed at the serving sizes in Germany. Ordering an asparagus
> special meant getting a huge serving of it, about a pound, and then a
> discount price on the entree.
> A few years ago there were a few local grocery stores that carried white
> asparagus, but I have not seen it in years.
I haven't seen *fresh* white asparagus in a couple of decades. If
you're so inclined, you can probably find jarred white asparagus.