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Expletive Deleted > wrote:
>> I think I've also heard of an "Extra Strong" bitter (ESB) from Adnams.
>> But I don't see anything by that name on the website. Perhaps that was
>> just the name of a beer style category from

>The label of the beer as I bought it last month was Special Bitter.
> lists both names, I think, but collapses them into a single
>database entry.
>Maybe a name change due to some US labelling laws? As in maybe the US
>authorities don't like the word "strong" on the label.

That last supposition is entirely probable. The ATF, which
approves labels for all alcoholic beverages, is notoriously
picky about stuff like that.
Joel Plutchak "Eat everything. Have fun." - Julia Child.
plutchak at [...]