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Andy Katz
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 12:36:05 GMT, "Peter Aitken"
> wrote:

>I think you missed the point. No one really cares what you cook, that's your
>business. But cassoulet is by definition a casserole made with a various
>meats, beans, fats, etc. It is not simply a casserole containing beans.
>Calling any vegan dish a cassoulet is just plain silly. If you made a salad
>from romaine lettuce, beets, and carrots would you call it a Caesar salad? I
>hoe not!

I didn't miss the point. In many areas of professional cooking there
are constraints not found in the home kitchen, which may include
irrational phobias, misconceptions, mistranslations, budgetary
concerns, political issues (often pertaining to seasonality) and so
on. If you work in a restaurant and your chef wants to pour ketchup
over pickled pigs knuckles and call that a cassoulet ... then that's
the cassoulet.

Perhaps I simply ought to have asked if bulgar or something similar
would make a suitable substitution for breadcrumbs, but I thought
knowing the application would help. The client has been told that the
smallest bit of bread is a .357 hollowpoint to the heart. That's
because he used to eat nothing but ... so the challenge is to start
him off with healthy, "correct" foods and, as his weight and
confidence improve, re-introduce some of the troublesome foods in more
sensible quantities.

As for what constitutes cassoulet, I hope I didn't give the impression
that I was trying to redefine it for anyone. I have copies of
Larousse, Mastering the Art of French Cooking & the Food Lover's
Companion right at my elbow, so I'm sure we can all agree on what a
traditional cassoulet is ... for the moment, however, it's not an
option for my client.

Thanks for the comments.

Andy Katz
************************************************** *************
Being lied to so billionaires can wage war for profits
while indebting taxpayers for generations to come, now
that's just a tad bit bigger than not admitting you like
the big moist-moist lips of chunky trollops on your pecker.

Paghat, the Rat Girl