"Kate ......" > wrote in message
> I was talking with an elderly man in the doctors waiting room a couple
> of days ago. I told him I had papaya trees, but didn't care for the
> taste of them. Gave them to anyone I could . He told me, when he was a
> child his mother, made some of the best apple pies he has ever eaten .
> Using green papayas, in place of the apples. Using the same recipe as
> for apple. Any of you know anything about such a pie? I always thought
> green papaya was poison. But have no idea who told me such a thing.
> Thank you kindly, in advance. .... kate
Most Southeast Asian cultures use green papaya in a variety of ways. My
favorite is a tofu and green papaya salad with lots of those little Thai
peppers. Something about the mixture of textures and flavors makes this
taste so great to me.