Going to Toronto...
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Dave Smith
Posts: n/a
> >One on the other things that has happened to Tim Hortons is drastic reduction in the
> This expansion of the menu started before Wendys bought them, and the expansion
> to muffins & bagels was probably driven by the "health food zealots."* I've
> heard the sandwiches & soup & chili is pretty good, but I doubt I would go to
> Tim's for that kind of food any way, if it was all that was available OK, but as
> a destination, I want TimBits.
You are correct about the bagels and muffins there before the Wendys deal. They recently
dropped their cakes, which is a pity because they were pretty good.
> I like muffins and bagels too, but I don't eat food because its low any thing,
> good for me, or any of that other nonsense. I eat it because I like it. My bagel
> will be smothered, and I mean smothered in cream cheese, no low fat, no flavor
> nonsense, real cream cheese.
I am not too enthused about their muffins or their bagels. Maybe I have been spoiled with
real bagels, and I look forward to my son bringing bagels when he visits from Montreal.
There isn't much of a comparison.
> If I can get it I'll add lox to it as well. Same
> with muffins, if I am in the mood for a muffin, exclusive of anything bran, then
> I get a muffin, and will put cream cheese or BUTTER (NO!!! margarine or butter
> wannabee's allowed) or what have you on it. These same zealots are effecting
> Krispy Kreeme in the US as well. All the diet guru peddlers should be rounded up
> and have an arranged "fall" like that other diet dr. had. If I fall over and die
> from what ever, I will die happy. I eat, drink and be merry daily.
My father in law ate a lot of red meats, high fat food, salt and all those other things
that are not supposed to be good for you. His moderation was "Everything in moderation,
including moderation."
> I prefer TimBits over donuts, simply as they are bite sized and easy quick food.
> The variety of the TimBits allows me to have, well, a variety of flavors, versus
> say just one or two in a donut.
Then you will be happy to hear that TimBits are one thing whose taste and texture were
not terribly impacted by the new par baked system. Of course, the problem with those
bite sized little morsels is that you lose track of them and before you know it you have
eaten several donuts worth of bits.
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