This happen to anyone?
PENMART01 wrote in message >...
>Trent© writes:
>>Katra-inka wrote:
>>>The glass top stoves are a breeze as there are no burners to take
>>>apart! I always hated that.
>>Just curious...
>>If you boil over a pot, where does the liquid go?...all over the
>All over the TRAILER floor!
>Ahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .
somehow i doubt that glass top stoves come standard in a trailer home. heh.
FWIW, ive used all three common types: gas, at my mom's house, where i
learned to cook, glass top electric, at my MIL's , which is a bitch and a
half when youve realized that you cant leave aplastic spatula anywhere on
the top without melting it wehn you are cooking, and solid element electric,
which i have now. which has all the annoyances of both. temperature
regulation sucks, and you have the burner pans to clean. bleh. gimme gas
" I think the burden is on those people who think he didn't have
of mass destruction to tell the world where they are."
Ari Fleischer