Nearly every single Army National Guard Soldier turns their backs to Joe Biden as he drives past.
On Wed, 27 Jan 2021 17:21:22 -0800, Leo >
>On 2021 Jan 25, , Boron Elgar wrote
>(in >):
>> Bovard is hardly a neutral source, which you should comprehend before
>> recommending him, and with a tiny bit of reading yourself, maybe 10
>> minutes' worth, you'd know that Marxism and Communism, as political
>> philosophies, are rather delightful, but when used as title only for
>> populist, despotic or dictatorial regimes with wholly differing
>> practices, millions get killed.
>The point, which you missed, was a hundred-million dead under various Marxist
Nope. Not Marxist philosophies at all. Dictatorships who liked to use
the term, even though it did not apply. Kinda like the dumb****s who
go around calling the Nazis socialists.
>I never heard of Bovard until I quick googled for dead people
>under Marxism and settled on the link. Do you deny the count? Should I
I deny the claim. No need to verify a number of a false statement, eh?
>The "delightful philosophy" of Marx assumes equality of birth, intelligence
>and ambition, much like worker bees or ants. None of that is true for a
>single human being ever born.
Nor is that claimed by Marx.
>Marxism, in any form, will never be done right.
>Individuals simply donīt work that way.
It ain't been tried.
Since you seem to know dick-squat about any of this, why do you keep