Nearly every single Army National Guard Soldier turns their backsto Joe Biden as he drives past.
Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> Disgruntled, uneducated whites have a nearly constant stream of Fox News
> on televisions in salons, bars, and other workplaces. In the car they have
> talk radio, which is where the right-wing media really got its start. Their
> local television station is likely owned by Sinclair, so they get another dose
> if they watch the evening news.
Good morning, Cindy! Here, I'm feeling all generous today so I "fixed" your above post:
"Disgruntled, uneducated €śwoke€ť whites have a nearly constant stream of MSM and cable (MSNBC€¦) on televisions in salons, bars, and other workplaces. In the car they have NPR, which is where the left-wing media really got its start. Their local television station (even a Fox €“ affiliated station!) likely hews to the approved liberal €śparty line€ť, so they get another dose of liberalism/leftism if they watch the evening news..."