> 1. let roast come to room temp.
This would be a few hours on the counter and is a good idea. It means=20
that the meat will cook more quickly and that the temperature=20
differential between the outside and inside is smaller so the outside=20
isn't subjected to so much heat in the course of cooking it. The more=20
heat applied to the outside, the drier it gets. Less is best.
> 2. preheat oven to 500
> 3. place roast in a pan on a rack with 1/2 inch water.
Water in the bottom of a roasting pan serves no real purpose. It=20
doesn't keep the meat moist. At best, it keeps the rendered fat and=20
water-based juices from spattering during the cook.
> 4. place roast in preheated oven for 30 min.
This will develop the Maillard reactions that brown the meat for the=20
good roasted meat flavor.
> 5. Turn down heat to 275.
> 6. roast 1 1/4-1 1/2 hours.
This is guesswork. The temperature, size and shape of the meat, the=20
vessel used, the accuracy of the oven, how many times the door is=20
opened, etc. will be determinants of cooking time.
> 7. Check internal temp with meat thermometer. Should be about 50 for m=
> rare.
I assume this temp reading is a typo and would be 150=B0. That's not med =
rare, it's med well. Med rare would be in the 130=B0-135=B0 range.
rare=3D cold red center =3D no more than 125
med rare=3D warm red center =3D 130-135
med=3D warm pink center =3D 140-145
med well=3D hot pink center (reduced area) 150-160
well=3D nasty brown center =3D 170+
> 8. Wrap roast in foil to let rest for 15 min. Make gravy with dripping=
Wrapping it in foil softens the crust because of moisture=20
redistribution. But it also keeps heat in to make the meat be cooked=20
even more.
> 9. Slice and serve with mashed potatoes, gravy and veggie of choice.
> > wrote in message=20
> ...
>>Hi everybody, I'm new here - just purchased a sirloin tip roast, about=
>>2 lbs., because the price was great.
>>I'm a terrific cook, but never bought one of these before - just
>>thought I'd try something different. Does anyone have any good recipes=
>>I can try? I do have a slow cooker. Thanks!