Nearly every single Army National Guard Soldier turns their backs to Joe Biden as he drives past.
On 2021-01-28 6:23 a.m., Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 5:18:22 AM UTC-5, Master Bruce wrote:
>> On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 01:49:57 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
>>> Take your pick. Fox News, OANN, Newsmax, Breitbart, ad infinitum.
>> But do these disgruntled, uneducated whites listen to all that? Yes,
>> Fox News maybe, but the rest? Or maybe also local shock jocks.
> Disgruntled, uneducated whites have a nearly constant stream of Fox News
> on televisions in salons, bars, and other workplaces. In the car they have
> talk radio, which is where the right-wing media really got its start. Their
> local television station is likely owned by Sinclair, so they get another dose
> if they watch the evening news.
I am sorry to have to tell you, but they are not all uneducated. I know
a few people are well educated who are Trump fans and watch Fox news.
I am starting to understand why so many Trumpsters are upset about the
left leaning media and their constant attacks on Trump. I rarely
watched CNN until that attempt by Trumpsters to storm the Capital to
protect democracy.. as they see it. It has been non stop for weeks. I
flip by it once in a while and they are still carrying on about the
former president. There was one article about Covid19, but everything
else has been anti Trump.
I have to admit that I agree with most of it, but it is definitely one
sided. Fox and some others are just as bad the other way. There seems to
be no balanced reporting any more.