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Ed Pawlowski[_5_] Ed Pawlowski[_5_] is offline
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Default Semi-OT: Does junk food...

On 1/29/2021 11:26 PM, Lenona wrote:
> ...cause ADHD?
> (guess who wrote the following)
> A headache does not mean one has a brain tumor, but some brain tumors do cause headaches.
> Likewise, ADHD behaviors do not mean one has a food allergy, albeit some food allergies cause, in some children, behaviors that are on the official list of ADHD symptoms. (Mind you, I believe ADHD is one of many bogus psychological diagnoses, but that is a subject for another column.)
> I take requests, the latest of which comes from a parent who wants me to encourage everyone with a child who is impulsive, lacks concentration skills, and exhibits other ADHD symptoms to see an allergist, preferably one who specializes in allergies to foodstuffs of various sorts. I also turn down certain requests, as I will do with this one.

Only know my own experience. My son was ADHD when he was younger. We
tried the Feingold diet that eliminated artificial color and
preservatives. Huge change in behavior.

On a trip to visit family once, I made the mistake of letting him have a
cherry water ice with red coloring. It was like a nuclear reactor went
off for the next few hours.

With a sample size of 1 it is difficult to draw conclusions but it made
a difference. Does it cause ADHD? No idea but it brings a reaction at
least in some kids.