"Bugsy Malone" wrote in message
On Thu, 4 Feb 2021 09:30:37 -0000, "Ophelia" >
>"Bruce" wrote in message
>dsi1 wrote:
>> On Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 1:50:55 PM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:
>>> dsi1 wrote:
>>> > My assumption was that it was one of the usual suspects. I won't name
>>> > names but his name starts with G and ends with M.
>>> > Unfortunately, the new Google Groups does not allow me to view the
>>> > header info or access any of the analytic features. That's the breaks.
>>> Oh, that's a pity. This troll is computer savvy, GM is not. It could be
>>> the Boner Troll.
>> How hard could it be? The guy knows how to cut and paste text and links.
>> The guy's got mental problems but he ain't that stupid.
>It's a bit more than cutting and pasting. I tried to make my headers
>different from his by changing to an obscure Usenet client and then
>by changing the character set used for posting. Not rocket science, but
>a bit much to ask of most RFC fuddies and biddies. But he copied
>The real Bruce posts with provider NewsgroupDirect (see headers) 
> Those of us who are not able to do such things, can see the text which is
>completely different to yours iyswim!
Yes, but not everybody's observant (or cares maybe).