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SNAG SNAG is offline
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Default Aloe for kitchen burns

On 2/5/2021 7:38 PM, BryanGSimmons wrote:
> I got a burn on my finger from grease spatter while pan frying pork
> chops this evening.Â* I should have put aloe on it right away.Â* We have
> an aloe plant in our window.Â* I eventually did apply aloe, but it still
> hurts.Â* Right now I have a split aloe leaf, juicy side down, resting on
> the burn, inside a finger cot.Â* I don't know what substance is produced
> by aloe that helps burns, but I wonder if that substance is produced in
> greater concentrations by aloe leaves that have been subjected to
> intense sunlight, as a protective for the plant against UV damage, and
> whether the wimpy aloe plant that we have in a west window might not
> contain a high concentration of that healing substance.

Put it in a north or south facing window . I started with one lonely
start a few years ago , got probably 10 or more of them now . Multiply
like rabbits , can't give them away fast enough .
In 1775, the British demanded we give them our guns.
We shot them