Thread: Fair Report
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David J. Braunegg
Posts: n/a

Oops! That's right--1/8" jellies and 1/4" jams. I don't know where the
judge gets the 1/2" specification, but this is the same lady that accepts
pressure-canned, pureed squash/pumpkin. A couple of years ago I talked to
her about the USDA not having an approved recipe due to the density of the
product, but that didn't seem to bother her.

I bought the fruit at the supermarket--I can only get our raspberry and
blueberry bushes and strawberry plants to give us enough for eating. The
dang squirrels took every quince off of the tree (young tree-only had 7-8
quinces on it). I love quince butter and had really been looking forward to
making some.

The gift basket is rated on preserved product and also on the presentation.
I used a tin box we got with some lebkuchen and decorated the interior with
a Christmas motif to go with the paintings on the box.
