On 2/13/2021 7:32 AM, BryanGSimmons wrote:
> On 2/13/2021 4:09 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "notbob"Â* wrote in message ...
>> Made some Braciole. awhile back.Â* Best red sauce, ever!Â* Hadda throw
>> some pasta shells in the left-over sauce.
>> Made some homemade "mayo", too.Â* In a blender (one egg, 1 C of oil (I
>> used Avacado)). Woulda been tastier except I fergot the dried mustard
>> and salt, before tossing into blender (Julia Child).Â* Duh.....
>> Been working on meatloaf.Â* It's pretty tasty with grape jelly on
>> sammy.Â* What was that recipe fer "grape jelly meatballs"?
>> Bought a "pork-loin".Â* As I also bought a "pork shoulder" and made
>> "Carnitas" in my Crock-Pot, with it.Â* Since I made "pull-pork" with
>> half my shoulder and carnitas with the other half, what should I do
>> with the loin?
>> Also, bought a "Swiffer Wet-Jet (HD)" for my kithchen floor.Â* Works
>> pretty
>> good.Â* 
>> nb
>> ====
>> Â*Â*Lovely to hear about food today, so thank you
Â* I am looking up
>> "Braciole" too
> That raises a question:
Please stop posting crap like that.