John Kuthe wrote:
> On Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 5:14:28 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> ...
>> That's because your brain is too damaged to figure out how to
>> turn the notifications off. You *could* get a newsreader and
>> years of Blocknews for $5.99, but then you'd have one less thing
>> to whine about. I managed to set it up, and I don't even have
>> any DEGREES!
>> --
>> --Bryan
>> For your safety and protection, this sig. has been thoroughly
>> tested on laboratory animals.
> I used EternalSeptember for Usenet access before, so I will get that again, and a Real newsreader!
> And I get paid on Monday, a BUNCH!
> And from here forward until I'm 66, when I shall retire on $1648/mo or MORE! Until I die!
> Yay Social Security! And Thank You FDR! :-)
> John Kuthe, RN, BSN...
I can see the complaining about Thunderbird already.
I will get something like $2800 from SS but I have been employed longer
than you and at a higher earning rate.Â* I think I'm maxed out around
that number but I have plenty in my 401K and IRA to supplement that.Â*
I'm going to retire before I hit 60 anyway.
No need to thank FDR.Â* I would have had more if I invested that money
myself in average mutual funds.