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Default dehydrated food and shelf life

Hi folks.
I had a couple questions about dehydrated foods, and what kind of shelf life
can be expected from them. After the recent hurricanes made buying food a real
nightmare around here, I began looking into storable foods, maybe a 2 week
supply to keep around, and avoid the fear and price gouging that i saw.

I was amazed at what many of them cost! I do have a good dehydrator, vacuum
sealer, and some experience in drying foods, and was wondering about a viable
way to lay back several days to a couple weeks supply of food.

My experience with dehydrating is mainly from backpacking, and typically the
foods are prepared and used within a week or two. I was just wondering if
anyone has any experience with preparing foods for longer term (a couple years
maybe?) storage.

Thanks a lot of any info