On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 16:22:04 -0700, Graham > wrote:
>On 2021-02-19 3:54 p.m., Lucretia Borgia wrote:
>> On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 14:29:37 -0800, Taxed and Spent
>> > wrote:
>>> On 2/19/2021 2:11 PM, RichD wrote:
>>>> Assuming there a few winos in this group...
>>>> You visit someone you haven't seen in a while,
>>>> and bring a bottle of wine, as a gift, or to share.
>>>> However, you don't know their tastes.
>>>> What to buy? I figure, everyone enjoys bubbly, therefore
>>>> cava or prosecco? (I'm on a sub-champagne budget)
>>>> Or a fruity, simple rose?
>>>> Also, since this is a foodie group - if the bottle is intended
>>>> for immediate enjoyment, I might bring some hors d'oeuvre.
>>>> Suggestions? I'd stop at a deli, and pick up a quart of
>>>> antipasto - or ...?
>>>> Crackers and cheese is so mundane -
>>>> --
>>>> Rich
>>> Why would you assume everybody enjoys bubbly? That is wrong.
>> A nice bottle of Henckel Trocken and slices of smoked salmon.
>I agree!!
>If you don't know their taste in wine, one of the fizzies is safest.
>I always take white wine when I have dinner with my son's family as my
>d-i-l gets serious headaches from red wine.
>Another suggestion is a bottle of Sauternes to have with the sweet
>course - and it will always go with cheese.
Personally I prefer red but the Henckel was recommended to me for my
eldest daughters wedding. He had been Canadian Wine Taster of the
Year and told me after two sips, no telling it from expensive fancy

I still always keep a bottle ready in the 'fridge as a
friend is originally from Prussia where it is made.